Cancer Myths, Causes and Cures
Cancer is now the number one cause of death in humans older than 14 years of age, having overtaken heart disease this year. In spite of the U.S. declared war on cancer since the early 1970’s, the rate of cancer is growing at an alarming rate with 1 ½ trillion dollars spent on average per year on conventional medical cures. In 1904, only one American in 24 had cancer sometime in his/her lifetime. Today, one in three people receives a cancer diagnosis and it’s getting closer to one in two. What exactly causes this dreaded disease, and why do we seem to be losing this battle for our health? Cancer is a term given to a condition whereby healthy cells change their physiology or become abnormal in such a way as to threaten the integrity of the organism. Studies show that in 95% of the cases, these cellular abnormalities are caused by exposure to environmental toxins, while 5% of cancer is caused by genetics. On the average 40 million cells become cancerous in our bodies every day, however our natural immunity destroys these cells before they become a serious problem. With repeated exposure to threatening toxins our immune systems may eventually be overcome and cancer cells can proliferate to dangerous levels. Currently, there are approximately 70,000 synthetic chemicals made by man circulating in our environment, with about 7,000 of these chemicals delivered to us in our food chain. Only a small percentage of these chemicals have actually been studied for their effects on humans and animals, and of these many have been proven to be carcinogenic and disruptive to our endocrine systems. Research done at Mt. Sinai Hospital showed that an average of 91 chemicals [...]