The Healing Earth Connection
For millions of years humans walked barefoot on the Earth and slept on the ground. They worked, played and rested in direct contact with the Earth’s surface and were always connected to the planet’s life-giving forces. We may recall the free and joyful feeling of running barefoot in the grass, or the warm tingling sensation of walking barefoot on the beach. The feeling of wellbeing we get from touching our skin to the skin of the Earth can last for hours, and the sleep that follows is deep and restful. If only we could feel like that all of the time! Life is very different now on planet Earth, with most modern humans rarely stepping barefoot on the ground. We live in houses and work in buildings many of which are several stories high above the Earth’s surface. Our environment is filled with disruptive electromagnetic fields produced by modern technology, and when we do go outside, we wear synthetic soled shoes that insulate us from the Earth’s energy disconnecting us from an essential source of healing. In their “groundbreaking” book, “Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?” authors Clint Ober, integrative cardiologist Dr. Stephen Sinatra, and health writer Martin Zucker describe the profound health benefits of connecting to the Earth. Ober grew up in rural Montana near an Indian reservation where he played barefoot with Native American children. He recalls a Native American mother telling her son to take off his shoes as they would make him sick, and recalls one child on the reservation who became very ill with scarlet fever and healed after lying in a shallow pit in the ground for a couple of days. As an adult Ober worked in the [...]