Nascent Iodine

Nascent Iodine


Nascent iodine is a supplemental form of iodine thought to be more safe and effective than potassium iodide. Nascent iodine holds an atomic form of iodine with an incomplete number of electrons, giving it a high electromagnetic charge. The body can seamlessly absorb and utilize nascent iodine for metabolic and detoxification processes, making it more effective as a supplement for the body.



Nascent iodine is a supplemental form of iodine thought to be more safe and effective than potassium iodide. Nascent iodine holds an atomic form of iodine with an incomplete number of electrons, giving it a high electromagnetic charge. The body can seamlessly absorb and utilize nascent iodine for metabolic and detoxification processes, making it more effective as a supplement for the body.

Nascent Iodine has multiple benefits and uses. Perhaps most important is its ability to stimulate thyroid production of T3 and T4 hormones. Nascent iodine may help stop bromine, chlorine, and fluoride storage in the body, and slow the production of goitrogens. In this way, nascent iodine aids the body in removing harmful substances that can be stored. Goitrogens are found in sports drinks, sodas and processed vegetable oils. Bromines are present in toxic, chemically-laden household products, pool water and flame retardant fabrics.

Nascent iodine is the best form of iodine to protect yourself from harmful radiation exposure in the event of nuclear fallout.

Additional information

Weight 4 oz
Dimensions 3 × 3 × 4 in
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